Cradle of Gold

Ever fantasized about visiting Machu Picchu but are nervous about getting sucked into a gringo conveyor belt with no exit until the misty-terraced gift shop? If so you’ll be relieved to hear that there’s more than just one Inca Trail, and that Machu Picchu isn’t the only mind-blowing lost city of the Incas. There is…

Nepali New Year Festival Photo Tour + Info Night

After years of dreaming and months of planning, I’m excited to announce that: Next April I’m running an 8-day travel photography workshop series (limited to 10 places maximum and early bird offers available until Christmas) at Nepal’s most spectacular and colourful festival, Nepali New Year (also known as Bisket Jatra), in the country’s most cultural…

Karma Suits Ya

In the April of 2001 an excited 16-year-old boy sat waiting to board a flight for Nepal in Melbourne’s Tullamarine Airport. It would be his first experience outside of Australia and his nerves jumped from the sinews as the call to board came over the loud speaker. He was about to embark on a humble…

Two Bays on a Bike

Earlier this year I was sent on assignment by Royal Auto magazine to explore Victoria’s coast by bike with AllTrails cycle tours. Over the course of six lycra-clad days we hill-climbed, coast-hugged and bay-hopped from Warragul to Geelong via 260km of sealed roads and rail trails. It was a great chance to get out of…

The Life Aquatic

Sailing into an ocean alive with Polynesian legends, last November I climbed aboard a double-hulled Vaka (the Marumaru Atua) with a team of inspiring individuals reviving the ancient sailing traditions of the Pacific. Chief among them (literally) was Tua Pittman of Blue Canoe fame (i.e. the upcoming film, not the women’s lingerie), who dedicates all…

Hidden Gem

A cursory glance over a map of southern Chile reveals an eon of tectonic violence where the Pacific meets the Andes. Over 5,000 islands and as many peaks, valleys and fjords condense in a beguiling labyrinth that beckons as much as it forbids. Oddly, its’ a place where mountains can be explored by sail, but…

Fists & Magic

Two rippling combatants pit themselves against one another in the only wrestling code in the world (outside travel journalism) to allow bare-knuckle punching and sorcery magic. I took this photo ringside at a Senegalese wrestling match in Dakar in the middle of madhouse high-pitched singing, drumming, hyper-masculine posturing, dancing, sorcery tactics, swinging fists on the…

Myths & Mountains

This month I’m proud to say that I’ve had a cover story published in Victoria’s largest circulation magazine, Royal Auto, that goes out to over two million RACV members monthly. It’s the first (but not the last, stay tuned) time I’ve been a contributor with them. The story is titled ‘Myths & Mountains’ and is…

Coping Abroad

It’s an unsettling feeling to arrive at a point in your career when people start coming to you seeking professional advice and insights on your practice. When it began for me I thought it was too soon. “I’m still trying to figure it all out for myself!” became my trusted opener. But the more I…