Karma Suits Ya

In the April of 2001 an excited 16-year-old boy sat waiting to board a flight for Nepal in Melbourne’s Tullamarine Airport. It would be his first experience outside of Australia and his nerves jumped from the sinews as the call to board came over the loud speaker. He was about to embark on a humble…

Saints on Parade

Fiestas in Bolivia have a very strong religious grounding. Amongst all the costumes, drinking and dancing is a deep spirituality. It draws heavily on indigenous beliefs and customs as well as christian ones. There are also of course creative mixtures of the two. At this fiesta in San Pedro, most people spoke Spanish as a…

I tilt my hat to you

Drawing a feeble link between the content of this post’s photo and today’s date,  remembrance day, I tilt my hat to the veterans. Though I will also point out that WWI was an imperialist war that in my opinion served Australia in no way. We got slaughtered for king and country, a country not even…

Bolivian Character

In late April this year I was travelling through western Bolivia on my way to Peru. After seeing a photo in a coffee table photo-book I made an impulse detour to visit a place called Sorata. The photograph showed a town clinging to a mountainside above an apparently bottomless valley. Above rose fully cultivated hillsides…