Down and out in Puerto Montt

Hi guys, here’s another quick post from’ Puerto Montt in southern Chile. On top of the grimy, fishing port-city vibe that I discussed in the last post, Puerto Montt is also suffering from an economic slump as a result of a contagious disease outbreak in 2008 that devastated the formerly booming salmon farming industry. It…

Reading the abstract in Puerto Montt

Puerto Montt, capital of the Chilean Lakes district, is possibly the grimiest city I’ve ever visited. It is perpetually drizzling, blanketed with sea mist, the streets are lined with a kind of dirty, greasy residue and the smell of sea-decay blows in from the fishing port that dominates the city. Yet I dug the vibe,…

Encounters with Patagonian Fisherman

Here’s another quick post from northern Patagonia. This time from the Reloncaví estuary which sits directly south-east of Puerto Montt in the the lakes district of Chile. It is a stunningly beautiful landscape dominated by ice capped volcanoes, sheer granite cliffs, impenetrable four thousand year old rainforests and an almost entire lack of roads. Travelling…