In front of the lens in Bolivia

Standing out at a Bolivian fiesta is unavoidable when you’re a six-foot gringo running around with a beefy camera. Not that standing out is something I wanted to avoid. In fact I’ve found through the years that rather than trying to hide behind the camera, it is far better to use it as a tool…

Dancing in the street!

Hi guys here’s a quick post again from Boipeba in Brazil. My friend Izalice (who features in the right portrait in the diptych from my last post) is a talented professional dancer. While giving me a last minute tour of Boipeba, Iza spontaneously broke out into some ‘Forró’ (a traditional northeastern Brazilian dance influenced by…

New Caledonia Gallery

Hi guys just posting a quick anouncement that I’ve uploaded a new gallery on my website. It’s a collection of images I took during my stay in New Caledonia late last year and early this year. It features a range of shots including landscapes, urban scenes, youth culture, the omnipresent church and the effects of…