Nepali New Year Festival Photo Tour + Info Night

After years of dreaming and months of planning, I’m excited to announce that: Next April I’m running an 8-day travel photography workshop series (limited to 10 places maximum and early bird offers available until Christmas) at Nepal’s most spectacular and colourful festival, Nepali New Year (also known as Bisket Jatra), in the country’s most cultural…

Two Bays on a Bike

Earlier this year I was sent on assignment by Royal Auto magazine to explore Victoria’s coast by bike with AllTrails cycle tours. Over the course of six lycra-clad days we hill-climbed, coast-hugged and bay-hopped from Warragul to Geelong via 260km of sealed roads and rail trails. It was a great chance to get out of…

Coping Abroad

It’s an unsettling feeling to arrive at a point in your career when people start coming to you seeking professional advice and insights on your practice. When it began for me I thought it was too soon. “I’m still trying to figure it all out for myself!” became my trusted opener. But the more I…

Why I got on the Roids

January 16th 2013 Off the corner of a dark laneway in Melbourne’s CBD my hands tremble with a tightly rolled stack of pineapples.* Sweat lines my brow as I check and double-check if anyone’s watching. The dealer looks me in the eye and my stomach drops. I hand over the cash. She passes me an…

Changing Tide

It may have been a three-month dearth of posts here on the blog but in my (real) world it’s all been happening. A book launch, wild adventures in Africa, a shoot for Oxfam Australia and new polaroid experiments will all be featuring here soon. For now though I’m sharing my latest published article in Get…

My first covershot!

I’m very excited to announce that I’ve just scored my very first magazine cover shot. It is printed in juicy eye-grabbing front page glory in the  latest issue of Backpacker Essentials Magazine (March-June 2012). My 500-word ‘Iconic Australian Journey’ travel article entitled ‘Sun, Sea & Sail’ was also published, alongside several more of my photographs…