Capturing Passion – new profile article in Milk Mag!

In late August I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Bec Manjra (publisher) for a profile piece in Gippsland’s own Milk Magazine. We had corresponded before for their generous spread on Boorun’s Canoe in their last issue, but this time we chatted about my journey behind the lens. The result has just hit the shelf…

Boorun’s Canoe exhibition launching this July!

Back in February I announced on this blog a project called Boorun’s Canoe, an Indigenous cultural arts collaboration I’ve been working on part-time for the past couple of years with Indigenous artist Steaphan Paton, senior Gunai/Kurnai elder Uncle Albert Mullett, the extended Mullett family (of the Gunai/Kurnai community in Gippsland) and Bunjilaka, the Aboriginal Cultural…

Announcing Boorun’s Canoe and upcoming artist talk at the Melbourne Museum

It gives me great pleasure to formally announce Boorun’s Canoe, an indigenous cultural arts collaboration I’ve been working on part-time for the past 18 months with Indigenous artist Steaphan Paton, senior Gunaikurnai elder Uncle Albert Mullett, various members of the Gunaikurnai community and Bunjilaka, the Aboriginal Cultural Centre at the Melbourne Museum. Together we developed…

Alone with a giant: Iguazu Falls

It’s hard to sum up Iguazu Falls in words or pictures though I’m sure the 200,000 visitors that pour through the ticket gates every year do their best in a million different formats. For those who don’t know, Iguazu Falls is a gargantuan waterfall complex where actually 275 discrete falls plunge the entire Iguazu river…

Night soccer on Ipanema beach

Here’s another gritty urban night soccer scene coming to you from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, though this time from the adjacent Ipanema beach rather than Copacabana. I love the action in this shot, these guys were just having a kick around, nothing organised, but they went all out to every contest, was awesome to watch.…