Boorun’s Canoe featured in Signals Journal

Opening double page spread from feature article in Signals Magazine’s 100th edition.

Back in late May Steaphan Paton and I travelled by invitation to Sydney’s Australian National Maritime Museum to present at the inaugural ‘NAWI -Exploring Australia’s Indigenous Watercraft’ conference about our collaboration Boorun’s Canoe (on exhibition until November 4).

The conference was an amazing coming together of people and ideas and we were lucky enough to witness the first floating of traditional watercraft (known as ‘nawis’ by the Eora Nations in the Sydney area) on Sydney harbour for over a century.

We enjoyed many presentations by elders, community groups, artists and academics that made clear to us that there is a profound and inspiring revival of traditional Aboriginal practices happening across Australia.

We’ve also been lucky enough to have a transcript of our presentation and a selection of my photographs developed into a feature article in the special 100th edition of Signals, Quarterly Journal of the Australian National Maritime Museum. You can download a pdf of the article here.

Till next time,


4 thoughts on “Boorun’s Canoe featured in Signals Journal

  1. Fabulous photos with a lovely story behind them. Introduced to the project via the Nawi conference & it is nice to see it gaining momentum.

    • Thank you for the kind words Curatorial Asistant, it has been a phenomenal project to work on and the people I’ve been able to work work with on it have been the best. Sadly only one week to go on the exhibition, but it will live on in the permanent gallery space currently being redeveloped in Bunjilaka.

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